
Can't Dance

Hello, Guys

Tonight (12.18 AM) i talk about me.
I'm dancer, but i don't know dancer i'm or not. 
Yes i am dancing every day, but why i do that?
I mean i can't dance.
I can't dance when my husband watch me.
Why i'm so shy?
Yukio knows my dances, he was watching it.
 And now i'm very angry. If i'm dancing i'm very irritated.
Why i do this.

Now i learn Renai Circulation - Aikawa Kozue dance.
Not very difficult. I like this dance, also if dancing Ikura.
Maybe it's lie? And i don't like dancing?
But when i absolutely not understand.
Or this is crisis >_<

What i need?
Love? - i have
Individualism? - i have
Freedom? - 75/25 yes i have
MLP? - i have
Ideas? - i have
Holiday? - NOT HAVE.

Yes, i'm tired.
I can't work. I need holidays.


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